The Hispagnola Academy of Sciences of Haiti (HASH) is an institution whose mission is the knowledge, promotion, research and dissemination of science and technology in the country, as an essential basis for national development, sustainable and independent. It is a private, non-partisan, non-profit entity that has been in existence for two years.
Encourage, support and finance research in all areas of human knowledge. Promote and fund the publication of books and magazines through which the most important research results are disseminated. Periodically organize events and activities that encourage exchanges and debates among Haitian scientists, as well as between them and their colleagues abroad.
Develop concrete initiatives that establish and promote cooperative links with academies, institutions and scientists around the world. To express their opinions openly and critically on any relevant political, economic or social event that occurs inside or outside the country. Advice the Haitian State, private companies, NGOs and community organizations in areas where the scientific potential of the Hispagnola Academy of Sciences can be useful. Ensure the protection and defense of natural resources, understood as an essential and vital heritage of the country, goods and wealth belonging to society as a whole and to future Haitian citizens.
Research Center for Reflection and Researchers (RCRR) of the Hispagnola Academy of Sciences of Haiti (HASH)
The Academy of Sciences of Haiti (ASH) convenes the academic and scientific communities to compete with proposals to
bring about a change in the name of the Academy of Sciences of Haiti at its extraordinary general assembly held during
the month of January 27, 2023.
As part of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Academy of Sciences of Haiti (ASH), held on January 27, 2023
It was agreed to incorporate the word << Hispagnola >> d'Haiti in the historical name of the Academy of Sciences of Haiti (ASH)
which becomes Academie des Sciences Hispagnola d'Haiti (ACASHH) in French, in order to specify that the Academy of Sciences
of Haiti does not really depend on any institution.
In this sense, we seek to update the institutional identity according to the new acronym ACASHH in French and << HASH >>in English.
The name of the Hispagnola Academy of Sciences of Haiti (HASH) has been registered with the Haitian government via the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry and also with the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training which authorizes the functioning of
the Hispagnola Academy of Sciences of Haiti (HASH)/ becomes Academie des Sciences Hispagnola d'Haiti (ACASHH) in French,
to carry out its activities in the field of research and also in higher education. The Research Center for Reflection and Researchers (RCRR)
of the Hispagnola Academy of Sciences of Haiti (HASH) was registered with the Haitian government via the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MAST).
As higher education encompasses scientific research, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has set higher education for ACASHH.
The Hispagnola Academy of Sciences of Haiti (HASH) is a national institution that is authorized to carry out its activities in scientific research and technology
in Haiti. This institution is autonomous and does not depend on any institution.
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